Vegetarian Late-Night Snacks for Diabetics

Vegetarian Late-Night Snacks for Diabetics

Vegetarian late-night snack ideas for diabetics
Fluctuations in blood sugar levels at night are normal, but these fluctuations in people with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes can result in high blood sugar levels in the morning. One of the best ways to maintain these levels is to have a light snack just before going to bed. Instead of eating something unhealthy, choose snacks that contain necessary nutrients, proteins, fiber, and healthy fats. These nutrients will not only keep blood glucose levels in check, but they will also promote your overall health. If you are a vegetarian and are looking for safe late snacks for diabetics, here are some simple options:

  • Nuts
    A handful of nuts, like almonds and walnuts, are healthy and safe late snacks for diabetics. Nuts are packed with vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. While almonds contain vitamin E, manganese, magnesium, and fiber, walnuts are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, iron, calcium, zinc, vitamin E, and B vitamins.
  • A handful of seeds
    Sesame, sunflower, and pumpkin seeds contain vitamins, minerals, healthy fats, proteins, and fiber. You can keep these handy in air-tight containers and have a handful before going to bed.
  • Whole-wheat crackers
    Whole-grain and whole-wheat crackers have a low glycemic index. Packed with necessary nutrients, proteins, fiber, and antioxidants, these safe late snacks for diabetics boost energy levels, improve heart health, and promote bowel movement.
  • Salads
    Salads made with baby carrots, cucumbers, and cherry tomatoes are great to curb hunger pangs before going to bed. These non-starchy vegetables are loaded with vitamins and minerals and are low in fats, calories, and carbohydrates. They also have antioxidants and fiber that improve heart and gut health. For some protein, you can have a low-fat cheese slice with this snack.
  • Sliced apples
    Apples are a safe late snack for diabetics, as the fruit contains necessary vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber that help promote your overall health. You can also spread nutrient-rich peanut butter on each apple slice, as it helps improve blood sugar levels and boosts heart health.
  • Roasted chickpeas
    Chickpeas or garbanzo beans are nutritious and good for heart health. Studies have shown that adding chickpeas to your diet can help you manage blood sugar levels and prevent diabetes from progressing. You can make a simple snack by roasting chickpeas in olive oil and adding seasonings of your choice.
  • Sugar-free Greek yogurt
    Yogurt is a healthy dairy item packed with calcium and proteins. Experts believe that Greek yogurt alleviates the risk of type 2 diabetes and promotes overall health as well. You can also add some fresh strawberries to it for flavor.

For diabetics, having a light snack before going to bed is one of the best ways to prevent blood sugar from spiking at night. Apart from the above-mentioned snacks, air-popped popcorn, salted peanuts, oat-flour protein bars, avocado, and cheese slices are also nutritious and safe for diabetics to have late at night.