Top Foods for Lowering Blood Pressure in Pregnancy

Top Foods for Lowering Blood Pressure in Pregnancy

High blood pressure is a common problem in women who are pregnant. Usually, the blood pressure starts increasing from the second trimester and if this is not kept in check, it could be dangerous during delivery and result in complications for both, the mother and the child. Thankfully for pregnant women, there are easy diet tips for lowering blood pressure that can be followed to see visible results in the readings. Apart from the prescribed medications, you can also try these all throughout the pregnancy period.

Colorful vegetables
According to a study published in the International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, pregnant women with high blood pressure will greatly benefit if they consume multiple portions of fresh vegetables every day. This study concludes that by consuming a lot of vegetables, pregnant women can reduce their chance of developing gestational hypertension by 14% and pre-eclampsia by 21%. This is one of the recommended diet tips for lowering blood pressure by most obstetricians.

Fish is a very rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and lean proteins. Omega-3 fatty acids are known to help reduce blood pressure levels naturally even in non-pregnant people. For pregnant women, this nutrient is a boon. Other food items that are a rich source of Omega 3s are chia seeds, flaxseeds, and walnuts. This is one of the diet tips for lowering blood pressure that ensures the fetus gets enough nourishment and grows healthily.

Potassium is great for lowering blood pressure levels in pregnant women. Bananas are a rich source of potassium which is known to work wonders in reducing hypertension. Make sure you eat at least one banana every day. This can be in the form of smoothies, pancakes, or fruit salads.

Garlic is a wonderful ingredient to use in plenty when you are pregnant. This diet tip for lowering blood pressure is based on multiple studies that have proven that garlic reduces a person’s blood pressure levels to normal. The ingredient also helps with easy digestion and prevents the development of a more serious condition called pre-eclampsia.

Pomegranates are one of the top foods that help lower blood pressure levels. This fruit is a rich source of multiple vitamins, minerals, and fiber. You can enjoy eating the fruit as it is or make a juice out of it. In fact, it is recommended that pregnant women eat at least one pomegranate a day to avoid the complications of high blood pressure.

Dark chocolate
This diet tip for lowering blood pressure is something you will love. Who does not love chocolate? Make sure you consume dark chocolate to indulge your sweet tooth as it is full of antioxidants that lower blood pressure levels to normal.

Pregnant women go through a lot of physical challenges and high blood pressure need not be one of them. Follow all these diet tips for lowering blood pressure and keep your pressure levels in check. Make sure you check your blood pressure regularly to ensure any abnormalities are detected early.