Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures Among Men

Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures Among Men

Whether it is an injury, a birth defect, or a need for aesthetic enhancement, specialized medical procedures with technological advancements are within hand’s reach. The need to look a certain way and appear “beautiful” is what is making plastic surgery thrive in today’s world. While plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery have focused on techniques for women, here we’ll discuss popular plastic surgery trends that focus on men. Over 1.3 million cosmetic procedures were performed on men in 2018 alone.

The influence of social media has removed the stigma and taboo surrounding plastic surgery. This paved the way for an increase in many takers and a significant increase in men relying on this procedure.

With photography undergoing a complete transformation via the selfie culture, being your best possible image is a prerequisite. Photographing yourself means seeing your own image through a critical lens. The defects men observe in their facial and body features are the main reasons for giving popular plastic surgery trends a thrust.

The rise of social media trends is another reason for men choosing cosmetic surgery. Since the past few years, men are being valued solely for their physical outlook and bodily appearance. Social media runs on the number of likes and attention an individual gets, and it has a direct impact on how men view themselves.

Popular cosmetic surgeries among men

  • Rhinoplasty or nose job
    It is one of the most popular plastic surgery trends seen among men. The procedure is performed inside the nose with an incision made in the nostrils. The bone or cartilage is then within reach and can be reshaped accordingly. Some tissue is added or removed as per the requirement and the skin is folded back to give a reformed look.
  • Hair transplant
    An intention to beat male pattern baldness is what gave rise to this popular cosmetic procedure for men. Hair transplant uses follicular unit extraction, a non-invasive treatment, and removes hair from the back of the head or chest. This hair is then implanted on the scalp where it is required.
  • Beard transplant
    Facial hair is gaining popularity and is becoming a mark of style among men. This is a leading procedure among popular plastic surgery trends for men and is a proven solution to treat a patchy beard. This procedure also incorporates follicular unit extraction and extracts hair from the chest or back. They are replanted individually to give a bushier and thicker beard. The results look great and the scarring is not visible or in most cases is absent.
  • Liposuction
    Irrespective of how vigorously you exercise, some areas with fat do not seem to go. Liposuction is a procedure that sucks the fat out from a particular area of the body via a specialized tube. It is a gentle and non-invasive procedure that does not damage other tissues.