Male Pattern Baldness – Symptoms and Treatments

Male Pattern Baldness – Symptoms and Treatments

Male Pattern Baldness (MPB) is a condition seen as aesthetically less-than-pleasing and a sign of aging. Apart from the physical appearance, balding leads to emotional distress and anxiety. It could affect a person’s relationships, both professional and personal. The condition is generally understood to be related to the activity of certain sex hormones and is genetic.


  • A receding hairline and thinning of hair by the late 20s
  • An m-shaped pattern of hair loss
  • A horseshoe-shaped pattern of hair-loss
  • Wreath pattern of hair loss

Even after much research, medical science is yet to discover the definitive cure for baldness. Knowing more about the symptoms and treatments of male pattern baldness helps people understand their condition, take preventive measures, and explore new treatment options. According to scientists, it’s time to start approaching male pattern baldness as a medical problem rather than merely a cosmetic issue and understand its symptoms to undertake a suitable treatment method.

Knowing the symptoms of male pattern baldness can help get effective treatment for the condition. Here are some of the treatments for the condition:

  • Osteoporosis medication
    Studies were conducted by The University of Manchester’s Center for Dermatology Research on a medication currently being used to treat osteoporosis. One of its effects is that it blocks the SFRP1 protein that prevents follicles from growing hair. However, the specific medication was not named in the study.
  • Partial longitudinal unit extraction
    This is an advanced method in hair transplantation. Replacing the “strip” method that was traditionally used to transplant hair, partial follicular units are extracted singly and transplanted in the bald areas. Also, the partial follicular units remaining in the donor area result in hair growth there, helping overcome the issue of lower hair density in the donor area.
  • Blocking androgen
    A topical skin application cream increases hair growth in the affected areas as it blocks the activity of androgen in the follicles. The treatment seems to have no side-effects and doesn’t impact the hormonal activity in the bloodstream. The FDA approval is awaited for this treatment.
  • Medication used for prostate enlargement
    A medication for treating prostate enlargement inhibits the working of type II 5-alpha reductase. It also inhibits type I of the enzyme, encourages new growth from dormant follicles, and lowers the chances of damage to follicles. Daily dosage ensures results, but its effects weaken over time, and this is not an FDA-approved treatment for hair loss.
  • Stem cell therapy
    Using the person’s own hair cells for transplantation reduces the risk of rejection. A method developed in San Diego provides unlimited cells without the need to transplant follicles as it generates new hair using pluripotent stem cells, but it is not a permanent cure for baldness.
  • 3D printing
    Hair follicles grown in plastic molds enable people to be independent of hair donors for transplantation. These molds have an environment that mimics the natural base of the hair to promote growth.