Helpful Dietary Tips to Manage Adult ADHD

Helpful Dietary Tips to Manage Adult ADHD

A neurological development disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is commonly diagnosed during childhood but can be diagnosed in adults too. This disorder is mostly characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention or hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and easy distraction. Factors causing ADHD include genetics, brain abnormalities and poor diet. Although the condition cannot be cured, proper medication and dietary changes can help adults deal with its symptoms.

Dietary tips for managing ADHD must include foods with nutritional value that will help in improving the brain’s functionality. The aim should also be to eliminate foods that might trigger ADHD symptoms.

Omega-3 fatty acids
Adults suffering from ADHD must include foods containing omega-3 fatty acids in their diet. DHA present in fatty acids helps in promoting brain development, reduces stress and improves the communication between brain cells. Some foods that are a source of omega-3 fatty acids include sardines, tuna, chia seeds, flax seeds, walnuts, and mackerel.

Whole grains
Also known as complex carbohydrates, including whole grains is another one of the important dietary tips for managing ADHD. Rich in fiber and vitamin E, whole grains influence the neurotransmitters and help control ADHD symptoms. They also promote the healthy functioning of the body and contribute to weight loss. Whole wheat bread, pasta, and cereals are some healthy options to include in an adult diet for controlling ADHD symptoms.

Amino acids found in protein help boost neurotransmitters in the brain, which are responsible for communication between brain cells. Dietary tips for managing ADHD include the consumption of protein-rich foods as these also help in controlling blood sugar levels which cause hyperactivity in adults with ADHD. Beans, nuts, beef, pork are some protein-rich items you can eat.

Fruits and vegetables
Including a variety of fruits and vegetables in one’s diet provides a great source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and dietary fiber. The nutrients present in fruits and vegetables help in improving not only the brain functions but also help in boosting the immune system. Grapes, tomatoes, pomegranate, and squash are some options that can be incorporated into the diet plan for adults with ADHD.

Processed foods
Make sure you avoid packaged or processed foods if you are suffering from ADHD. Such foods contain preservatives and unhealthy fats which might cause hyperactivity in adults.

Lowering the intake of foods containing high sugar is essential, as such options can lead to hyperactivity in adults with this condition. Foods with high sugar levels act as a stimulant in the brain and can cause mood swings.

Avoiding or limiting the consumption of coffee is one of the top dietary tips for managing ADHD. Caffeine found in coffee tends to trigger the disorder’s symptoms, tends to keep adults hyperactive consistently and has a negative impact on the quality of sleep.

As you can see, the food you eat has a direct impact on your body and mind. It is therefore very important to consume foods with nutritional value, avoid junk food and maintain a healthy lifestyle to manage ADHD symptoms.