Healthy Immune Boosting Snacks for Sick Kids

Healthy Immune Boosting Snacks for Sick Kids

Getting a child to follow a healthy diet is often challenging, but when ill, a balanced diet and nutritious food can help fight infections and gain energy. When your child is suffering from an illness, a nutritious and balanced diet goes a long way in boosting their immunity and strength and promoting a speedy recovery. There might be a lack of appetite, which leads them to not eat properly, so it is important to make healthy and easy snacks for kids that are also delicious to encourage them to eat. Even the simplest of snacks can have high nutritional value. Fever, cold, cough, vomiting and diarrhea are some common ailments kids might suffer from, but here are some snacks that can help them get better:

  • Eggs
    A great snack for kids suffering from cold is eggs. Easy to digest, they keep the stomach full and are a great source of proteins and vitamins. Eggs can be made in a variety of ways like boiled and scrambled, and they also improve eyesight and boost memory.
  • Mashed potatoes
    Tasty to eat and easy to digest, mashed potatoes are a healthy and easy snack for kids. Rich in carbohydrates, fiber, and vitamins, mashed potatoes provide energy to the body and help children recover from illnesses.
  • Yogurt
    A good source of calcium and protein, yogurt is a tasty snack for children, even when they are unwell. The probiotics in yogurt help kids regain energy and boost their immune system.
  • Bananas
    Available throughout the year, bananas are loaded with nutrients, including calcium, potassium, iron, and folate. One of the healthy and easy snacks for kids, especially when they are suffering from constipation, the fruit has nutrients that help ease bowel movements.
  • Chicken soup
    A bowl of chicken soup can be especially nutritious and delicious during a cold or flu. The cysteine in chicken helps clear the mucus from the throat, gives relief from inflammation, and also boosts the immune system.
  • Oatmeal
    Rich in fiber and easy to digest, oatmeal is definitely a healthy and easy snack for kids. It also contains antioxidants that help strengthen the immune system and promote a speedy recovery.
  • Raisins
    A rich source of iron, potassium, and dietary fiber, raisins provide energy, help improve bowel movements, and also aid in the digestion process. A fistful of raisins can help kids get relief from constipation, and the antioxidants in raisins help fight viral fever.
  • Citrus fruits
    Great sources of vitamin C, citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruit, mandarins help boost the immune system during cold and flu. Eating citrus fruits or drinking citrus juices helps keep the body hydrated and also enables the body to fight against ailments.
  • Cereals
    These are filling as well as healthy and easy snacks for kids that provide energy to the body, apart from improving the digestion process. Cereals help in alleviating constipation as well.