Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids with Cancer

Healthy Snack Ideas for Kids with Cancer

It is very important for kids with cancer to eat healthy and nutritious food as this will help them handle the treatment and the condition better, especially when it comes to things like the side-effects wrought about by chemotherapy.

Snacks are usually looked upon as unhealthy food choices and are the first thing to go off menus when the child is ill, but the truth is, they need not be a bad option. Any small meal can be a snack and this can be made as healthy as possible if you choose the right food items and combinations. These are more fun to have than full meals and children can be enticed to have them easily. Here is a list of tasty and beneficial snacks for cancer patients. Your child will love them and will also get stronger and healthier with these.

Naturally-sweetened frozen yogurt
You can make beneficial snacks for cancer patients at home by using natural sweeteners and healthy ingredients. Frozen yogurt is a snack that your kids will love, especially during the hot summers. Blend any type of berry, honey, and yogurt together and freeze the mix before offering it to your child. This is a sweet treat that is healthy too.

Granola bars
One of the easiest and most beneficial snacks for cancer patients is a granola bar. These are made with whole grains, natural sweeteners, dry nuts, and healthy fat. This is a great instant snack to offer your child when you are traveling or during hospital visits. You can even add dried fruits to your homemade granola bars.

Another convenient and healthy snack that your child will not say no to is popcorn. When you air-pop popcorn instead of using oil, it becomes one of the healthier snacks for cancer patients. Popcorn can be mildly flavored using salt, pepper and any of your child’s favorite spices and enjoyed during a movie session or at playtime.

Fresh fruit smoothies
If your child finds it difficult to swallow food because of the cancer treatments, offer freshly made smoothies to help them consume the needed calories without discomfort. You can add your child’s favorite fruits and vegetables to the beverage. You can even add some chia seeds and nuts for extra nourishment.

Dark chocolate
If your child is really craving some chocolate, you can offer them a couple of pieces of dark chocolate that is actually good for their health. Many parents also like making chocolate milkshakes or hot chocolate with pieces of dark chocolate. This snack is good for cancer patients as dark chocolate has powerful antioxidants.

Whole-grain crackers with a homemade dip
Whole-grain crackers that are preferably baked instead of fried are good snacking options for kids too. You can add a homemade dip along with it such as hummus or nut-based butter. Such crackers can also be used to make nachos at home for an interesting dinner recipe.

Try out these beneficial snacks for cancer patients and offer them to your child in rotation. Kids love variety in their food and they will definitely appreciate your effort to make them healthy and delicious snacks.