Dietary Tips for Breastfeeding Mothers with Eczema

Dietary Tips for Breastfeeding Mothers with Eczema

Eczema is a condition that causes inflammation in the skin and results in itchy, flaky, and scaly rashes that are painful and very uncomfortable to handle. Individuals with the condition find it painful to touch their skin or for it to come into contact with any kind of texture and this is made worse when the person suffering from the condition is a new mother. The challenge of breastfeeding with a painful skin condition can be too much for anyone. If you are a breastfeeding mother with eczema or atopic dermatitis, changing your food habits can bring some relief from the condition. Here are some useful dietary changes to manage eczema and atopic dermatitis.

Stay away from proven allergens
Many doctors believe that an allergy-causing food can be a trigger for worsening eczema. If you are breastfeeding, it is advisable to stick with food items that you know are safe for you and the little one. Some of the common allergy triggers are peanuts, milk, eggs, and some varieties of fish. If you have not tried these before delivery or have had a bad reaction before, stay away from them.

Avoid salicylate-based foods
Salicylate is a natural chemical that is present in most plant matter. You might not be aware of it, but you could be salicylate intolerant and one of the first reactions to this is flaring up of eczema. Some of the common foods with high levels of salicylate are all kinds of berries, fruits such as apricots, guavas and pineapples and vegetables such as capsicum, olives, and radish. Make this dietary change to manage eczema and atopic dermatitis better when you are breastfeeding.

Stay away from sugar-rich food
One of the most important dietary changes to manage eczema and atopic dermatitis is to stay away from all foods that are rich in sugar. Sugar is often linked to eczema flare-ups. If you are breastfeeding and want to manage itchy and painful skin, keep away from cakes, pastries, sugary beverages such as soda, ice creams, and desserts. Consuming less sugar is also a great way to lose the excess weight gained during pregnancy and be fit again.

Try the Mediterranean diet
The Mediterranean diet includes eating a lot of fresh fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats such as olive oil and coconut oil and staying away from processed foods, sugary foods, and red meat. By making dietary changes to manage eczema and atopic dermatitis, you also end up losing weight and getting fitter and stronger. Definitely try this one out.

Choose anti-inflammatory foods
Since eczema is a condition that causes skin inflammation, choosing anti-inflammatory food is recommended to help manage it. Green leafy vegetables, oranges, avocadoes, mushrooms, and green tea are some foods that come under this category. You can include these in your diet to control eczema and atopic dermatitis.

Before you start on a diet plan for eczema, definitely talk to your doctor to understand the effect of the diet on your lactation and the baby. When you are not irritated and in pain, you can nurse your child easily, without any fear.