Common Treatment Methods for Breast Cancer

Common Treatment Methods for Breast Cancer

Several new treatment methods have been found in recent years for the treatment of breast cancer, making it easier to deal with this condition more effectively. Understanding the symptoms of breast cancer can help in early diagnosis and treatment. Also, knowing the common treatments for breast cancer can help the doctor administer the best one suitable for the patient. All the treatments for the condition help eliminate the cancerous cells as far as possible and prevent a relapse.

Common treatments for breast cancer
Before one undergoes treatment for breast cancer, their doctor will want to clarify a few things. To begin with, they will want to check how large the tumor is and whether the cancer has spread to the lymph nodes or other parts of the body. The doctor will also check for receptors in the tumor and take into consideration the patient’s age before choosing from among the common treatments for breast cancer.

The common breast cancer treatments

  • Surgery
    To start with, there are treatments for destroying the disease inside the breast and surrounding tissues like the lymph nodes. This involves surgery that can remove the entire breast, which is called a mastectomy. Alternatively, the surgery can remove only the tumor and surrounding tissues, and it is called a lumpectomy in that case.
  • Radiation
    This treatment procedure uses high-energy waves for destroying the cancerous cells.
  • Chemotherapy
    This involves the use of medications for killing cancer cells; since these medications are very powerful, there are likely to be side-effects like nausea, early menopause, hair loss fatigue, and hot flashes.
  • Hormone therapy
    This procedure uses medications for preventing hormones like estrogen from helping the cancerous cells to grow. These medicines can also cause side-effects like hot flashes. Some treatment options for breast cancer under this kind of therapy work to stop the ovaries from producing hormones, via medicines or surgery.
  • Targeted therapy
    Medicines like Tykerb, Perjeta, and Herceptin assist the body’s immune system and cue it to kill the cancer cells. They target all breast cancer cells having high levels of a protein called HER2. A new group of medications called the poly ADP ribose polymerase (PARP) inhibitors target enzymes that promote the growth of cancer cells. Patients may sometimes be recommended to undergo targeted therapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy along with radiation or surgery.

Besides these common methods for treating breast cancer, alternative methods or complementary techniques are used for treating this cancer. These methods include herbs, vitamins, special diet plans, acupuncture, massage, and a host of other techniques and tools to relieve the symptoms.

Complementary methods signify treatments that are undertaken along with regular medical care and not as a replacement for them, while alternative techniques of treatment refer to those that can be used instead of standard medical treatment by doctors.