Causes, Risks and Preventative Measures for Thyroid Cancer

Causes, Risks and Preventative Measures for Thyroid Cancer

The thyroid gland is located in the neck and it produces hormones that help in many bodily functions. When the thyroid tissue grows, it sometimes grows uncontrollably. This leads to the growth of cancerous cells or nodules. These cells may spread to other parts of the body. Thyroid cancer is a form of cancer that can kill if not treated on time. The article explores the risk factors that could lead to thyroid cancer and explains the preventative measures for thyroid cancer. The article will help you understand more about the disease.

What Are the Risk Factors of Thyroid Cancer?
Certain factors make a person more susceptible to thyroid cancer. Those at risk need to be more careful and can get regular checkups done. The factors include

  • Women are more at risk than men. Women who are middle-aged are men who are more than 60 are more likely to get this disease.
  • Exposure to radiation in the head and neck is one of the factors that can cause thyroid cancer.
  • Lack of iodine in food can affect thyroid function and may cause abnormalities.
  • Those having a family history of thyroid cancer are more susceptible.

Preventative Measures for Thyroid Cancer
Like most cancers, it is possible to try and prevent thyroid cancer. This is especially true among those who are at risk of developing this disease. Those at risk should take care to prevent cancer from occurring. The following are some of the preventive measures for thyroid cancer:

  • Those who are at a high risk of developing thyroid cancer and have suffered from thyroid ailments can choose to have the thyroid removed. This is one of the effective measures to prevent thyroid cancer.
  • Diet plays an important part in the prevention of not just thyroid cancer but most types of cancers. A healthy diet keeps the body metabolism in good condition. The American Cancer Society recommends a diet that is high in fruits and vegetables, especially dark-colored fruits and vegetables. A low-fat diet is strongly recommended. Such a diet can help build immunity.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are unsaturated fats. They are helpful in the fight against cancer. Fatty fish like salmon and tuna have a high quantity of Omega-3. It is also found in nuts and can even be taken as a supplement. Before taking any supplement, one must consult a doctor.
  • Obesity or being overweight affects the working of body metabolism. Fat can be a risk factor for most types of cancer. Losing weight is a very helpful preventive measure that can help prevent thyroid cancer.

This article on preventative measures for thyroid cancer listed out how thyroid cancer can be prevented along with the risks of the disease. The information is useful for those who are more at risk of developing this cancer. They can follow these preventive measures to try to prevent the disease.