Whole30 Snack Ideas for Vegetarians

Whole30 Snack Ideas for Vegetarians

Whole30 is a diet program wherein you have to eat only whole and unprocessed food for 30 consecutive days, and foods like dairy products, grains, legumes, added sugar, and alcohol are to be strictly left off the diet. The basic idea of the Whole30 program is to completely remove inflammatory foods from your diet and follow a no-cheat diet plan. If you are a vegetarian following the Whole30 diet, you may face a little difficulty as this diet advises the consumption of animal protein. Here are some simple vegetarian snacks for the Whole30 diet to ensure that your nutrient requirements are met:

  • Crispy green bean fries
    This is a healthy replacement for junk food during snack time if you are on the Whole30 diet. Green beans contain essential vitamins and fiber and are low in calories. You can also make fries using vegetables like avocado, zucchini, and such.
  • Trail mix
    A mix of different nuts is one of the simple snacks for the Whole30 diet. You can opt for a variety of nuts like cashews, walnuts, and almonds, and mix them for a delicious and filling snack.
  • Healthy coconut flakes
    Baking unsweetened coconut flakes with a hint of cinnamon powder, nutmeg powder, and salt to taste gives you one of the simplest snacks for the Whole30 diet.
  • Almond butter
    This tasty snack is in line with the Whole30 diet and is a great replacement for people who enjoy eating peanut butter. Peanut butter is prohibited from the list of Whole30 diet foods as it is made of a legume.
  • Bananas
    One of the simplest snacks that are also easily available, bananas provide a lot of energy. At the same time, ensure only moderate consumption as these fruits contain natural sugar.
  • Mushrooms
    Mushrooms are a great source of protein, especially for vegetarians. Bake them, cook them, or make a soup to enjoy a delicious and wholesome snack.
  • Sweet potatoes
    Low in calories and carbohydrates, sweet potatoes are more nutritious as compared to regular potatoes. Rich in fiber, antioxidants, and potassium, sweet potatoes are among the simplest snacks for the Whole30 diet.
  • Avocado
    Rich in minerals and vitamins, avocados aid the detoxification process when following the Whole30 diet plan. A great source of fiber, avocados can also be eaten raw as a snack.
  • Raspberries
    Easily available round the year, raspberries are a great source of antioxidants, fiber, potassium, and iron, making them perfect snacks for the Whole30 diet. Consuming raspberries not only helps in improving the immune system, but it also improves vision and prevents the growth of cancerous cells.
  • Cauliflower
    Rich in nutrients, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids, cauliflower is a good choice as a snack for vegetarians. You can simply bake cauliflower florets with a little spice and enjoy them. Not only does consuming cauliflower help reduce inflammation, but it also helps maintain healthy cholesterol levels, prevents heart diseases, and boosts brain health.