HomeHealthAn Overview of the Common Types of Hepatitis

An Overview of the Common Types of Hepatitis

An Overview of the Common Types of Hepatitis

The functions of the liver like bile production, filtering toxins, storing nutrients, and producing hormones and enzymes help maintain healthy metabolism in the body.

Hepatitis is a condition in which the liver is damaged due to inflammation caused by a viral infection. Several other reasons are also associated with the cause of hepatitis, like toxins, alcohol consumption, certain medications, and autoimmune diseases and other underlying diseases. Autoimmune hepatitis is caused when the antibodies attack one’s own system.

There are 5 common types of the disease: Hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E. The different types are caused by different viruses, and hepatitis is a contagious disease that can be transmitted from one person to another. Let’s understand the common types of hepatitis:

  • Hepatitis A
    It is a mild type of the condition that can be cured easily with medications, and relapse can also be prevented. If left untreated, it can lead to a life-threatening situation, so it needs to be treated at an early stage. People staying in areas with poor sanitation are affected by this condition as they are often exposed to the hepatitis A virus (HAV). This virus spreads through contaminated food, water, and human feces. Maintaining clean surroundings and getting vaccinated on time can help in preventing the infection.
  • Hepatitis B
    This type of hepatitis is dreadful among the common types of hepatitis. It causes inflammation in the liver and can lead to further complications like liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. The disease can be transmitted from one person to another through body fluids like saliva, semen, vaginal secretion, and blood. Infants are affected by hepatitis B through their mother during birth and delivery or when breastfeeding. Hepatitis B is caused by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV). This disease can be prevented by following certain tips like having protected sexual intercourse, using sterilized needles for injections and tattooing, not sharing personal items like a razor or toothbrush with the infected person, and not sharing drinks in the same cup.
  • Hepatitis C
    Caused by the Hepatitis C virus (HCV), it leads to severe liver damage like liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. This virus is transmitted through contact with blood or body fluids of an infected person. HCV is the most common among bloodborne viral infections and can be transmitted through blood transfusion or sexual contact. This common type of hepatitis can be cured if diagnosed early, but there are no vaccinations to prevent it.
  • Hepatitis D
    Hepatitis D leads to serious liver damage and is caused by the Hepatitis D virus (HDV). The disease often affects people who have or have had hepatitis B, as the HDV multiples with the help of the HBV. This is a rare condition and is transmitted when a person receives blood from an infected person.
  • Hepatitis E
    It is less dangerous when compared to other types, but it can be extremely harmful to pregnant women. This disease is transmitted through water in poor sanitation areas and is caused by the Hepatitis E virus (HEV). This condition can be treated with proper medication.

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